Gazli Gol /Afyon/ Turkey
Afyon Gazligol is 20 km away from Afyon, the geothermal center of our country. Gazlıgöl is located in the thermal spa area. It is known that it is good for many common diseases with its healing thermal water. Gazlıgöl Hotels, which provide healing from Phrygians to the present day...

In studies conducted by different medical faculties in Turkey, Afyon Gazlıgöl Thermal Waters have been found to have a healing effect on 514 diseases.
The main of the ailments that are thought to be good.
+ Cardiovascular Diseases
+ Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol +
Upper Respiratory Diseases
+ Asthma - Bronchitis
+ Functional Insufficiency
+ Stomach Disorders
+ Kidney Gallbladder Stone and Sand Casting
+ Removal of Toxin Substances and Strengthening the Immune System
+ Rheumatic Low Back and Back Pain
+ In Calcification
+ Musculoskeletal Pain
+ Osteoporosis
+ Waist and Spinal Cord Defects
+ Knee – Joint Disorders
+ Hip Bone Defects
+ Waist and Neck Hernia
+ Spiritual Fatigues
+ Intestinal Diseases
+ Chronic Kidney Stones
+ Stroke Rehabilitation
+ Sinusitis – Infertility – Scabies
+ Psoriasis – Acne – Eczema
+ Hemorrhoids – Hives – Itching and Sweating Diseases
+ Gynecological Diseases (Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Menstrual disorders)